Monday, June 11, 2007

厨房笔记 --- 日本蛋卷 Japanese Egg Roll

I love Japanese food and about 10 years ago my friend bought me a Japanese cook book. I love egg roll and want to introduce this dish to you. Hope you will like it.

Ingredients: 材料

1. 6 eggs 鸡蛋6个
2. dashi 柴鱼汁少许
3. 1 teaspoon sugar 1茶匙糖
4. 1 teaspoon mirin 1 茶匙 mirin
5. 1/4 teaspoon soy sauce 1/4 茶匙酱油
6. 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 茶匙盐
7. vegetable oil 油

Method: 做法

1. Whisk eggs. Mix sugar, mirin,dashi, soy sauce and salt in Dashi broth, then blend in whishked eggs.
2. Put 1 tablespoon oil in egg-cooking pan( normal shallow skillet also ok) and heat over medium to low heat. Remove excess oil. Oil must be spread evenly to the four corners(sides) of the pan.
用平底锅热油,中小火即可. 油必须把所有的锅边都沾到,鸡蛋才不会粘锅.
3. Drop a bit of the egg mixture in pan, if it sizzles; then the pan is ready for cooking.
4. Spoon in 1/3 egg mixture and spread out evenly. as it cooks it begins to bubble. press down big bubble with chopsticks.
5. When half-done, fold into 3 from farther end and grease empty space in the pan. Slide folded egg to farther side. Grease empty space made at nearer side. make sure it is folded tightly , if it's not tight then the egg roll's result will not be good.
煮半熟的时候,从最远的地方向自己的方向摺 3次变成长条状.然后将空出来的锅再涂上油.将已摺好的蛋推到离自己最远的地方,再把空出来的部分上油.确认摺蛋时必须要紧,要不然成品不会美观.
6. Spoon 1/2 the remaining egg mixture in empty space. lift up the folded egg slightly and spread out egg mixture underneath. When half-done, fold with folded egg inside, making into a roll. Grease pan and add the remaining egg mixture; following the above steps, make the roll bigger.
将剩余的蛋浆的1/2放入空位里,把摺过的蛋提起,让蛋浆铺到底下,铺平蛋浆.煮半熟的时候,从最远的地方向自己的方向摺 3次变成长条状.再把空出来的部分上油.将剩余的蛋浆重复之前的步骤,把蛋卷慢慢作大.

7. When egg roll is done, place on makisu(thin bamboo mat) while hot and shape egg roll into a square or rounf roll. Leave for 4-5 mins to cool.
当蛋卷做好后,趁热用竹卷把它压成长方形, 放在一旁 4-5分钟待凉.

8. Cut egg roll into appropriate sized pieces and place in a serving dish. 要吃时,切成你要的宽度即可上桌.


Anonymous said...

Good if with picture

Anonymous said...

Hi Xiaoying, wht abt the photos of Classic Ideas event u said u want to put on the blog today? And 4 yr recipe, can put pics of the dish? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Don't quite understand your Japanese Egg Roll recipe. Can you post in Chinese?

Anonymous said...

What is mirin??? thanks

Anonymous said...

What is dashi??? thanks

DJ Xiao Ying said...

Mirin can buy from supermarket at japanese food section. Dashi is made of 柴鱼片或柴鱼粉. use 2 cups of water, after water is boiling then put in 5-10g 柴鱼片 till water boiling again off the fire. let cool then take out the 柴鱼片. this water is called "Dashi".

Anonymous said...


