Monday, June 25, 2007

厨房笔记 --- 枸杞核桃鸡丁 帮助记忆力

这三样食材都很容易让人接受, 试一试吧!


鸡胸肉 500克 核桃仁 120克
枸杞 80克 葱,姜,蒜 各适量
盐,酒,胡椒粉 各适量 鸡汤 1 碗


1. 将鸡胸肉洗干净,切成小丁. 枸杞和核桃以温开水泡过.
2. 葱,姜,蒜洗净, 切成片.
3. 油锅烧热,放入核桃油炸,再倒入枸杞一起拌炒后起锅.
4. 锅中放入新油, 放入葱,姜,蒜爆炒,最后放入鸡丁, 加入鸡汤 与调味料,放入核桃仁与枸杞一起炒匀即可.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

周末的活动 --- 家庭偶像冠军大比拼




Friday, June 22, 2007

妙管家 小贴士 --- 洗名牌包 衣服泡到臭的处理方法

名牌包包请洗 --- 找 Color Wash 6438 3693.

衣服泡太久没洗,发臭 --- 白衣,用白醋加水煮滚, 有颜色的衣物,用姜加水煮滚, 把衣服放进去浸泡.

厨房笔记 --- 枸杞炒猪心 帮助睡眠

猪心含有丰富的蛋白质,具有补心神的作用, 香菇则具有健脑作用,这道料理可以帮助安神, 消除烦躁情绪,有效帮助安眠.

枸杞 100 克 冬筍 60克
香菇 60克 猪心 120克

油 ,盐, 糖 各适量 红葡萄酒 12 毫升


1. 将猪心洗干净,切成片.
2. 将冬筍和香菇切成丝, 枸杞放入温水中泡软备用.
3. 锅中热油烧热, 放入猪心片翻炒, 加入盐调味, 再加入葡萄酒.
4. 猪心变色后, 放入冬筍和香菇丝一起炒, 再加入枸杞一起翻炒后,放入糖略炒,即可上盘.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

厨房笔记 --- 燕麦花生粥 减压食镨

你觉得压力大吗? 试试这道粥吧! 晚上吃比较有效 :)

燕麦 Oat 1/2 杯 cup
花生 peanut 1/3 杯 cup
水 water 2 碗 bowl

将花生放入2 碗的水中,以小火把花生煮软. 花生煮软后,将燕麦放进去以小火煮5分钟, 即可.
put peanut in 2 bowls of water and cook with small fire till soft then put in the Oat to cook(use small fire) for 5 mins.

樱儿日记 --- 小孩吃冰冷食物会喘的预防/食療方法

喝羊奶, 新鲜的或奶粉都可以.

川贝(舂一舂) 1 汤匙 + 南北杏 各1汤匙 + 桔饼 1 个, 放入盅里, 燉(约1小时)来喝.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

早知道 早健康 --- 买干花的中药行



德信药行281 South Bridge RoadTeL: 6227 6179

每包才$2! 还有马鞭草,薰衣草,迷迭香都能在那里买到.

Friday, June 15, 2007

妙管家有话说 --- 如何去除塑料瓶的臭味

你可以选择 茶叶, 1茶匙白醋加水,1 茶匙盐加水或洗米水放在水瓶内,泡隔夜;第二天再用清洁剂洗一洗就可以了!

厨房笔记 --- 白菜鲜鱼汤 (三人份)

如果你想防癌抗老, 清热除脂; 你就应该试一试或常喝这道汤.

材料: Ingredients

A. 鲑鱼 Salmon 300克(gm) 地瓜粉 Sweet Potato flour 适量(a bit)

B. 大白菜丝 Big Bak choy strips 300克(gm) 大蒜末Mince Garlic 30克(gm)
鲜香菇丝 Fresh Mushroom strips 50克

调味料: Sauce

盐salt, 白胡椒粉white pepper 各 1/2 茶匙(teaspoon) 米酒 rice wine, 黑醋 black vinegar 各1 汤匙(TableSpoon) 高汤 meat brooth 500cc.

作法: Methods

1. 将鲑鱼洗净, 切成3公分长条,粘上地瓜粉, 两面煎黄,备用. clean the Salmon and cut into 3cm strips. cover with sweet potato flour and pan fried till brown.
2. 热油锅, 将材料B 抄软, 加入调味料煮滚. 加入做法1 的鲑鱼煮至入味后熄火,即可盛盘上桌. Heat the oil in the wok, fried ingredient B till soft then put in methods 1(Salmon) cook till the salmon is nicely done/fragrant. remove from fire and serve.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Classic Ideas Roving report at Delta House

I couldn't sleep so I decided to post this as I promissed.

I really like this kitchen.

I always like to shop for furnitures and home decors but only window shopping :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

厨房笔记 --- 日本蛋卷 Japanese Egg Roll

I love Japanese food and about 10 years ago my friend bought me a Japanese cook book. I love egg roll and want to introduce this dish to you. Hope you will like it.

Ingredients: 材料

1. 6 eggs 鸡蛋6个
2. dashi 柴鱼汁少许
3. 1 teaspoon sugar 1茶匙糖
4. 1 teaspoon mirin 1 茶匙 mirin
5. 1/4 teaspoon soy sauce 1/4 茶匙酱油
6. 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 茶匙盐
7. vegetable oil 油

Method: 做法

1. Whisk eggs. Mix sugar, mirin,dashi, soy sauce and salt in Dashi broth, then blend in whishked eggs.
2. Put 1 tablespoon oil in egg-cooking pan( normal shallow skillet also ok) and heat over medium to low heat. Remove excess oil. Oil must be spread evenly to the four corners(sides) of the pan.
用平底锅热油,中小火即可. 油必须把所有的锅边都沾到,鸡蛋才不会粘锅.
3. Drop a bit of the egg mixture in pan, if it sizzles; then the pan is ready for cooking.
4. Spoon in 1/3 egg mixture and spread out evenly. as it cooks it begins to bubble. press down big bubble with chopsticks.
5. When half-done, fold into 3 from farther end and grease empty space in the pan. Slide folded egg to farther side. Grease empty space made at nearer side. make sure it is folded tightly , if it's not tight then the egg roll's result will not be good.
煮半熟的时候,从最远的地方向自己的方向摺 3次变成长条状.然后将空出来的锅再涂上油.将已摺好的蛋推到离自己最远的地方,再把空出来的部分上油.确认摺蛋时必须要紧,要不然成品不会美观.
6. Spoon 1/2 the remaining egg mixture in empty space. lift up the folded egg slightly and spread out egg mixture underneath. When half-done, fold with folded egg inside, making into a roll. Grease pan and add the remaining egg mixture; following the above steps, make the roll bigger.
将剩余的蛋浆的1/2放入空位里,把摺过的蛋提起,让蛋浆铺到底下,铺平蛋浆.煮半熟的时候,从最远的地方向自己的方向摺 3次变成长条状.再把空出来的部分上油.将剩余的蛋浆重复之前的步骤,把蛋卷慢慢作大.

7. When egg roll is done, place on makisu(thin bamboo mat) while hot and shape egg roll into a square or rounf roll. Leave for 4-5 mins to cool.
当蛋卷做好后,趁热用竹卷把它压成长方形, 放在一旁 4-5分钟待凉.

8. Cut egg roll into appropriate sized pieces and place in a serving dish. 要吃时,切成你要的宽度即可上桌.

Friday, June 8, 2007


找老的电影DVD, VCD --- "东南亚唱片公司"No. 181, Upper Paya Lebar Road,Singapore.Tel: 62869596 62868831

清洗名牌包包 --- Siglap Centre, Far East plaza or call 燕玲 9147 1861

Thursday, June 7, 2007


9th 12noon ~ 2pm. Classic Ideas 现场报道

16th 7pm ~ 10pm Causway Point 户外活动

23rd 2pm ~ 4pm Hougang Mall / Family Idol Final


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

代班Queen --- 就是我

这个月的班表看得我眼花缭乱!以下的日期是代班的,没写的就是做 5 ~ 8pm 的 最爱528。

4~5 June 代 最爱掌门人

11 ~12 June 代 最爱下午茶

18 ~ 20 June 代 最爱掌门人

21 ~ 22 June 代 最爱下午茶

25 ~ 26June 代 最爱下午茶

德江也会拿假,所以他说我们可能七月前没有在一起值班的机会了 :( 从他身上学了很多,很受用!谢谢阿江 :P

Monday, June 4, 2007

Family Idol --- White Sands

连续两天的家庭偶像 活动,在四间购物中心选出"商场冠军", 四个冠军将会有20天的时间筹备冠军大比拼.

我曾经在白沙做过秀,觉得那里的人群比较不会停下脚步;但是今天真得很不同!谢谢大家的支持!今天的人潮还算多 :)
23/6 2pm, 冠军大比拼;将会在后港坊举行.

Friday, June 1, 2007

This weekend's shows --- Family Idol

this is Century square's contestants. guess who won?
2/6 Century Square 世纪广场, 2pm

3/6 White Sand shopping mall 白沙购物中心, 2pm

If you are free do drop by coz I will sing song :) if there is time when judges are tabulating the result.

See ya there :p