Monday, March 22, 2010

患难见真情 英文怎么说

患难见真情。 Misfortune test the sincerity of friend.
疾风知劲草,患难见真情。 A true friend is known in the day of adversity.
富贵易交友,患难见交情。 Prosperity make friend and adversity tires them.
患难见真交。Calamity is the touchstone of a brave mind.


anne said...

Hi Xiao Ying,

I heard your intro today and was sad to hear the news.

You must be feeling a bit down when you heard the new. I know that feeling, you will get over it soon.

Everyday, there's such happening, is just a matter of who and where. We should take everyday thankfully, each day you live each day you earn.

heard you!

Unknown said...

A friend in deep is a friend in need.

There is a Chinese proverb that goes " to access a horse's strength requires a longer time period to unveil it's true colors "

Good luck!

DJ Xiao Ying said...

God bless Lena's family!

That's life isn't it?! We have to seize the day!