Thursday, January 31, 2008

Saying - Teaching


Teaching others teaches yourself.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sayings - Sea



The sea cannot be judged by the liter(litre).

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

以德报怨 --- 老外怎么说?


Return good for evil.

A. 他如此可恨,我应该采取报复行动吗?
B. 那要视情况而定。但是我认为还是以德报怨比较好。
It depends. But I think it better to return good for evil.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Today is about DOG - Sayings


Barking dogs seldom bite.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Road Show on Saturday - 26 Jan


Who is this handsome guy? I spent my Sat with him :-p He is Wang Shi Xian 王识贤。He is a Taiwanese actor cum singer who has acted in several drama serials. His latest drama serial 意难忘 is a big hit in Singapore and has gained him a household name in Singapore as his character in that serial is well-liked by many housewives.

I was with him at these two places, 26 Jan

2pm IMM

4pm Tampines Mall, 4F Open Plaza.

As you can tell these 2 locations, one at east side the other at west side and my father is leaving for TW at noon so I decided to park my car at Tampines mall and take MRT to IMM - to save the money and the hassle to find a parking lot during busy weekend. Did u see someone look like this last Sat? It is me ;-)Today newspaper helped to shorten the journey - 22 stations - 50 mins.

Lots of Shi Nie there. Some even got upset coz i was facing the other side more when i talked ;-(

谢谢我们的听众Grace 提供这两张照片,因为工作有时没时间合照.


演出日期:2月 10 日(星期天), 3.00pm,& 7.30pm

演出地点:Suntec Convention Hall , Level 6

Besides Wang Shi Xian 王识贤, 蔡秋鳳,李翊君, 高勝美,張秀卿, 方瑞娥, 九孔, 高向鵬 all will be there to perform. You can go to Sistic to get the tickets now. 由我的经纪公司主办的这场演唱会集合了以上的多位艺人同台演出,希望你会捧场。

Friday, January 25, 2008

Do you know

Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.


We can not all be masters.

Ass 驴

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Many & Few - sayings


Every little bit helps.



Too many cooks spoil the broth.

broth 汤汁
Spoil 坏,搞坏

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How to say....




1. Outlive its usefulness.
2. The danger past and God forgotten.
3. Kick down the ladder.

今天我又学了一句新的英文谚语了! 谢谢!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

All & One - Sayings


Every man for himself.


All for one and one for all.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

忙里偷闲 - Pulau Ubin 走一回

今天下午有一场Road Show 在 Tampines Mall. 做完了秀,和朋友带爸爸一起到乌敏岛走走。

上回到乌敏岛已经是超过10 年前的事了!路,进步了很多!
这位小朋友的车,真的是用脚在地上用力骑的 - 没有脚踏板。

这是乌敏岛的一个特别的建筑物,叫"House No. 1". 听说以前由一名外国人建造的,后来他离开后,被用来当作旅客中心,让你了解乌敏岛的历史和生态环境。好美的屋子!佣人房都比我家大 :-p

橡胶树 - 这是用来取橡胶的。

我的朋友说,他这辈子吃最多螃蟹,就是今天了!其实,7 个人才吃4只,不过;我觉得那边吃海鲜没有比东海岸的海鲜中心便宜。如果你想去感受一下乡村的气息,顺便吃海鲜,那你会觉得值得;若你是专程去吃便宜的海鲜... 也许你会失望。

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Birthday this year

I had a wonderful Birthday this year! Full of Love and Joy.

People asked me "what are you doing for your birthday?" I didn't really plan anything this year. I decided to have a nice quiet dinner with Xiao Ying creator... my daddy. We had dinner at OSO near Milan.

Special place for special occasion and company.

I love soup. We had Cream of potato with leak soup.

Foie gras is a great treat on a birthday if you like it.

Daddy had a cod fish and I had a steak. yummy...

This special birthday cake is so beautiful. It's a Tiramisu.

We went to clark quay with daddy n my friends to have drinks.

Then celebrated with my kids at home.

Of course they had a piece of cake... although it's not good for them but once awhile... it's their mummy's birthday :-p

~ The End ~

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

今天長尾巴 - 謝謝大家的生日祝福 Thank you for all the birthday wishes!


聽説,我是被她從樓梯摔出來,提早兩個多月來到人世! 還好沒把我的腦子給摔壞,要不今天就沒辦法做節目給你聼了。

謝謝父母把我生的健健康康的,還有一把還算磁性的聲音以及大家不嫌棄的面孔 :)




到了FarEast Square 的聚春园拍I周刊的照片。他们为我庆生。又以特别的蛋糕,芋泥蛋糕!



謝謝你的愛!Thank you for loving me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Goodbye MC King

我不敢说自己和 MC 有什么特别的交情, 就是同事; 偶尔会一起主持节目.

他就算不开心的时候, 也不会把不愉快的心情带到工作场所,顶多话较少一点. 因为身为"艺人"的我们,必须" 异于常人", 不能在想哭的时候就哭, 有情绪的时候耍脾气.

由于我们都经历过演艺生涯的起起伏伏,在一起的时候, 总会分享彼此的心得, 问候一下, 最近有没有更好! 最近对他来说,肯定有更好! 努力了这么久, 最低潮的时候不愿放弃,就是在等待机会,希望能"几度夕阳红!" 好不容易有起色, 收入较稳定,就要尝到甜美的果实的时候... 就离开了! 是累了?!还是倦了?!

做艺人是一辈子的事! 一旦曾经是, 在老百姓心中就永远记得你是艺人. 走在马路上不能不打招呼,人家和你说话,你不能不应, 要不人家会说你高傲. 记得MC曾说, 有次在小贩中心吃饭, 结果旁边的Uncle 问他 "你为什么吃那么少?", 他说" Oh, Uncle, 我饱了!", Uncle 又说"你吃这样够吗? 没关系啦!想吃就多吃一点,不要怕人家笑!", MC只好再回答他"Uncle, 不客气, 我真的饱了!" 虽然 MC属于胖胖一族,但是他吃的真的不多. ..有时我们必须不厌其烦的回答一些无聊的问题还不能生气, 就是必须" 异于常人".

希望他在另一个世界, 有人赏识, 有人爱; 不须再受人世间的苦. 希望他能找到幸福, 快乐!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wishing you a wonderful 2008!

新年快乐! 希望2008会更好.

快乐 平安!

从今天起我值早上10到下午1点的班. 请多多捧场 :-p