漱口水: Thyme(百里香) 1 茶匙, 薰衣草干 1茶匙将材料放入杯中,以烧水冲泡, 放10 分钟, 然后早,中,晚 漱口一次.希望大家多少喝一点,保持口气清香 :)
晓英,Can u post the ways of slimming method into your blog as I did not hear it very clearly the other day.ThanksCarine
晓英元宵节快乐,今天有个很简单的题目:有一个力大无比的和尚腰上抱着一粒柚子对赌徒做了一件事, 赌徒从此不在赌了。 和尚到底做了什么?
Hi Wendy,I saw Jacqueline post comment question.米糠油 in english is Rice Bran Oil. Can get it from any supermarket, especially from those selling Japanese oil for shushi counter.
Thanks E.Lee. Iris, i will get the info for the herb tea then post it.Ann, somehow the computer at our radio conty is really slow so sometimes you post something during the show I can't see till later :( but thanks for the IQ questions :)
Xiao Ying,It's ok...can understand mine is rather slow too.Enjoying your forcast anyway....he....he....he...keep it up.
Hi Xiao Ying,Thank you for your info. That mean I can consume the Rice Bran Oil which selling at supermarket for both face massage and cooking? Are u sure? Thanks.Jacqueline
Hi Jacqueline,For face purpose you have to buy from organic shop. the Rice Bran Oil you bought from the supermarket can only use for food.
Hi Xiao Ying, Can you pls provide the recipes in english as well?ThanksJas
Hi Jas, Nowadays the computer has a function you can use - translator. YOu can go to yahoo or google to find it - it's very useful :)
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Can u post the ways of slimming method into your blog as I did not hear it very clearly the other day.
有一个力大无比的和尚腰上抱着一粒柚子对赌徒做了一件事, 赌徒从此不在赌了。 和尚到底做了什么?
Hi Wendy,
I saw Jacqueline post comment question.
米糠油 in english is Rice Bran Oil. Can get it from any supermarket, especially from those selling Japanese oil for shushi counter.
Thanks E.Lee. Iris, i will get the info for the herb tea then post it.
Ann, somehow the computer at our radio conty is really slow so sometimes you post something during the show I can't see till later :( but thanks for the IQ questions :)
Xiao Ying,
It's ok...can understand mine is rather slow too.
Enjoying your forcast anyway....he....he....he...keep it up.
Hi Xiao Ying,
Thank you for your info. That mean I can consume the Rice Bran Oil which selling at supermarket for both face massage and cooking? Are u sure? Thanks.
Hi Jacqueline,
For face purpose you have to buy from organic shop. the Rice Bran Oil you bought from the supermarket can only use for food.
Hi Xiao Ying, Can you pls provide the recipes in english as well?
Hi Jas, Nowadays the computer has a function you can use - translator. YOu can go to yahoo or google to find it - it's very useful :)
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