Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"The Wedding - 明星的婚礼

好不容易! 这场婚宴总算完成了! 我想, 对于铭顺和文芳来说;终于可以松一口气了!恭喜! 恭喜!

一进入会场就是水泄不通! 连要找你的桌位, 都难! 这又是一场Mediacorp Artist 的聚会.

其中制作组特别用他们俩合作的神雕侠侣改编对白,姑姑变成做大饼的,而且难吃又硬. 挺好笑的.


有朋友说,多拍几张这种照片,下回坐在车里的就会是我 ;-p

你知道文芳在听到什么之后有这兴奋的表情? 明伦祝她早生贵子的时候! 看来他们的确是希望快点" 做人" 成功!

新人好辛苦! 从早上5点忙到现在, 在台上站那么久, 才下台, 椅子都没坐热, 又被叫起来做现场节目. 这大概是我参加过最长的婚礼, 甜品在午夜十二点准时上桌. 



背面亮的可以当镜子 ;-P


祝福这对新人 恩爱到白头! 携手共走人生路!


KC said...

My dear Wendy:
have not talk to you for a while, so I go on your Blog,(want to do this for a long time,sorry,I was biz on my school work,and other things in life. Tony went on ur blog last week or so, did you see his Web site? about Culinary Art, Yum...Yumm..
Ur one biz giral,so I saw the dress u buy from U.S.A. look nice on u. I would like to join the turnerment on 10-10-09 over sea..ha..ha if I have a prive jet to take me to. will,have a good one. Mom from L.A.Ca. Love U.

Anonymous said...

Dear Wendy...
Very touched and inspiring to hear the "blind" couple on air...

I would like to send words of encouragement to them. May I hv their forms of ctc tt's convenient for them?


L-5 said...

Hi Xiao Ying


花好月圆庆中秋, 一家团圆乐悠悠!!!

中秋节快乐!!! :D
