Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers!

You probably heard I mentioned my God Mothers in Singapore many times on air. Here they are!

They are both my dearest! when i need a friend or family, they are always there for me.

如果在新加坡没有他们, 也许我就撑不到今天了! 他们比我亲身母亲和继母还要照顾我 ;-) 所以我有四个妈, 就是这样来的!

谢谢全天下的母亲无私的奉献. 辛苦了! 祝愿你们天天都像今天一样快乐, 美满!

1 comment:

anne said...

I give my godmother a gift too...... Mother's day can be for god mother too.