Sunday, May 10, 2009

丽星邮轮 最漂亮妈妈/最漂亮祖母


复赛 ~ 25/4 三位评判 (左)Fredrick Lee,(中) 曾晓英, (右)Wee Teck.

是什么让我们的评判- 知名服装设计师 Fredrick 如此惊讶!?!
Fredrick 赞助这件礼服, 端庄大方又能展现身材.

大决赛 ~ 8/5 每一个人的心目中最漂亮的妈妈或祖母都不同,所以请了 5 位评判嘉宾来负责这个重责大任。平常会有一个男搭档,这次我一个人独挑大局!一气呵成! 好喘哦! 但很有成就感.

丽贞也是评判嘉宾之一,而且还高歌两曲呢!(中间是我的经纪人 Keith)

感谢丽星邮轮和经纪人的信任及厚爱。希望今年圆满成功, 明年再来!


anne said... much update must be very too breaking 000000...ha...ha...Anyway, you will be alone forcasting again for a few days......But I know you can manage well...jia you....jia you! We are hearing...

anne said...

Poor thing Fall sick again.....but that the chance people can heard your sexy voice.....anyway drink more water........Hope you will get well soon .....Yong mei is coming back tomorrow? With her around you can relax a bit.....have a early rest .....don't check mail until too late ......

DJ Xiao Ying said...

Thank you Anne, i feel much better already ;-)