Thursday, April 2, 2009


印象丽江 不能不看 太震撼了!海拔3100公尺高的实景舞台,上百人的演出;全是非演员的少数民族为你表演。

云南过桥米线 这可是加料的“状元”过桥米线哦!

老外喝的酱油 - 可口可乐。

白族女子戴的帽子 - 风花雪月。流苏的长短可以辨识已婚与否。我戴的是长的,代表未婚。


这可是他们自泡的水果酒, Killer!

世界恐龙谷 目前禄丰保存最好最大的恐龙化石都在这。

云南的少数民族 大部分的女性是劳力坚兵,你可别觉得这位老太太辛苦或可怜;因为他们觉得还做得动,就是福!

大理洋人街 卖好多物品 扎染和银器是他们的特色手工艺品。


Anonymous said...

hi xiao ying,

can i check with you , i know your're from taiwan, and we plan to go taiwan for a free and easy trip, need yr advise, taiwan - where is a places that we must go? and where can we shop for cheap and good things, I remember yr last trip - you brought 8 pairs of shoes, where is the place u get it from, can you pls share with us so that we can have a wonderful trip in May09, sorry to trouble you, thanks in advance

sweetie mummy said...

Hi Xiao Ying,

I like your hairstyle in your TV show last nite. Look so young and nice.

Keep up the good work...Sweetie Mummy

Jane said...

Dear Xia ying,

Good day to you. Can you advise the travel agency contact no for the coming Jun 09 云南之旅. My family and I are interested. Pls reply as your sooones.


DJ Xiao Ying said...

Hi there, sorry to reply late.

anonymous April 2, 2009 11:46:00 AM - there are so many places to visit in TW and it depends on how much time you have. If you only hv 3-4 days, i suggest you to concentrate on one part of TW such as northern, central, eastern or southern. Northern can go to 淡水老街,渔人码头,基隆庙口,野柳女王峰,台北阳明山。Central can go to 台中日月潭,嘉义阿里山,eastern can go to 花莲天祥,太鲁阁。southern can go 台南赤坎,樟化,屏东垦丁,鹅銮鼻。night market in Taipei can go to 士林,饶河街,通化街或五分埔。i bought those shoes at 2 different night market 通化街或五分埔 ;p no trouble at all, my pleasure!

sweetie mummy, thank you ;-) i will kp up the work.

hi Jane, it's xiaO ying leh... ;p
Ren Ren travel Tel: 6333 0998. sorry to reply late :(