I am so lucky! This year I had a very busy & wonderful Birthday! Although no celebration but was very contented. 我是幸运的!在充满声声祝福中度过我生命中重要的一天 ~ 一月九号!
感谢我的父母!虽然一家人不在同一个国度,但我能感觉到他们的爱。感谢我两位在新加坡的恩人 - 小翠和 Jenny!没有他们, 生病时没人照顾;需要忠告时,没人能给最中肯的建议。他们就是我的干妈,良师益友。Thank you for being there for me.
感谢我一群 972 的同事!有你们,工作愉快!很难得会有一班不勾心斗角的同事,大家互相帮忙,互相鼓励!谢谢你们对我的包容与爱戴!有你的感觉,真好!
生日当天要工作,我的经理公司鼓励地说:行情不好,有的做,快做!哈!的确!谢谢老板 Keith, 谢谢 Richard, 谢谢所有 Biz Trends 的同事你们对我的照顾和体谅!这天和建复主持了台湾联电的晚宴,和上千人一起度过我的生日;也算是一生中和最多人一起过生日的一次!创纪录!
It's the time of the year again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, XIAO YING, and many happy returns of the day. Not
just a year older, but a year better.
Thank you Chris! Wiser as well, i hope ;p
Hi Xiao Ying
Happy belated birthday!
能够互相鼓励互相勉励是件很温馨之举。。。 如果每个人能够有这温馨之举。。。哪世界会越来越美丽。。。越来越有温情了。
Dear Xiao Ying,
Happy belated birthday to you!In fact, 9 Jan is my birthday as well as my mother's birthday!!hence, I'm very happy to know that it is also you b'day too!!
I enjoy listening to your programme.
hi xiao ying, may i know what is the title of the mayday song that you played today between 12.15 to 12.30pm?
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