Monday, August 11, 2008

吃在972 - 礼莲好介绍

阿莲是好姐妹!他现在这么忙,说一声想和她录音,他马上答应 - 即使牺牲下班后和家人老公相处的时间 - 谢谢大家的帮忙!!

Mon - 炒菜头馃 - Newton Circle Hawker Centre, 兴。

Tue - Laksa - Thomson Plaza food court + Armenian St 娘惹餐厅

Wed - Steak - Takashimaya 4F,日式西餐厅

Thur - 台湾排骨饭 - Bras Basah Complex Food Court

Fri - 小笼包 - 鼎泰丰


Anonymous said...

Sorry, out topic.Does anyone know whether singapore pharmacries sell melatonin without seeing the doctor? i cant sleep at all past the few days. Can anyone advices pls? Thanz


Anonymous said...

Hi Xiao Ying,

So long never hear your IQ quiz change to what time. Xia Yang, Yong Mei put on weight ask her don't eat so much. Ok !

Bests regard

Anonymous said...

Xiao Ying,
sry to correct you. It's "hawker" and not "hokker".

Anonymous said...

Xiao Ying,
小笼包 - 鼎泰丰 best. Kindda miss those in Shanghai. So eat 小笼包 - 鼎泰丰 for substitution. 2 places that I went every week. 1 in Bishan Junction 8 and the other 1 in Paragon.