Thursday, December 27, 2007

慈禧太后的美颜饮品 - 你也可以拥有太后的红润气色


现在你也可以和慈禧太后一样, 每天喝一杯, 保证拥有水噹噹的诱人肌肤!

快去买白木耳, 干的百合以及红枣或枸杞子.

材料: 白木耳 2~3 朵, 红枣15~20颗(枸杞子一把), 百合适量. 若要加黄耆和党参也可以, 适量就可!

做法: 干百合泡水一天软了之后, 用电锅或小火蒸一个钟头备用. 白木耳泡软后去硬块捏碎,然后把红枣或枸杞子(黄耆和党参)加水,放入快锅(Pressure cooker) 以小火炖煮两个小时之后,加入洗干净的枸杞子就可以了!若你用电锅就要煮久一点, 大约3~4 小时.

要食用的时候再把百合放进去即可. 没有吃完的要放进冰箱冷藏, 可以收一个星期.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Christmas 2007

My Christmas this year is nothing too exciting - I have to work and that took the fun out of it :-p Hope you had more memorable Xmas than mine :)

What did I have for Xmas?

Beautiful flowers that cheers me up.

The dinner - This is what I had for Xmas, although no Turkey but the Skewers were really tasty.

I can't live without greens - the house salad is worth trying.

This photo from my Dopod is not so attractive but the actual thing is wonderful!

Could you tell where I was ?

I look so tired - I nearly felt asleep then.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Xmas 圣诞节快乐

Merry Xmas to you all.


这是一个分享, 给予的季节;希望你和你所爱一起享受这美好的佳节!


Friday, December 14, 2007

What have I been doing the past month?

I have been busy... very busy!

I thought I can have a nice holiday that is long enough to relax and do nothing but it's only a dream.

As many of you know that besides Radio I am at Wedding line as well. I thought I can make good use of Nov to go on a trip to visit my mom in the states and settle some issues for Milan Wedding so after I come back I can have more time for you and produce good shows for you.

Now you can see what i have been doing... I spent one month to look for a place to move then packing and unpacking. This is when I fix my wardrobe at the new place - you know where i bought it leh, hur...

It's good to be back. See, got family meeting right away and because your support, we have this good meal during the meeting - the rest of the girls are very shy when they eat :0)

Hope you will tune in to our station everyday coz we are going to give you cash. Yes, hard cold cash from us to thank you for your support - we are now rated 2nd highest chinese radio station in Singapore - Thank You! Gan xia!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


天侯变化大,很多人才一个不小心就会有喉咙不舒服的情况发生. 你可以试一试这道花茶.


千层纸(玉蝴蝶) 25个
乌梅 6个
太子参 1茶匙
甘草 4片
水` 1公升


全部放进锅里煮, 先用大火煮5分钟,然后转小火煮20分钟. 就可以喝了!