Thursday, December 27, 2007
慈禧太后的美颜饮品 - 你也可以拥有太后的红润气色
现在你也可以和慈禧太后一样, 每天喝一杯, 保证拥有水噹噹的诱人肌肤!
快去买白木耳, 干的百合以及红枣或枸杞子.
材料: 白木耳 2~3 朵, 红枣15~20颗(枸杞子一把), 百合适量. 若要加黄耆和党参也可以, 适量就可!
做法: 干百合泡水一天软了之后, 用电锅或小火蒸一个钟头备用. 白木耳泡软后去硬块捏碎,然后把红枣或枸杞子(黄耆和党参)加水,放入快锅(Pressure cooker) 以小火炖煮两个小时之后,加入洗干净的枸杞子就可以了!若你用电锅就要煮久一点, 大约3~4 小时.
要食用的时候再把百合放进去即可. 没有吃完的要放进冰箱冷藏, 可以收一个星期.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
My Christmas 2007
What did I have for Xmas?
Beautiful flowers that cheers me up.
The dinner - This is what I had for Xmas, although no Turkey but the Skewers were really tasty.
I can't live without greens - the house salad is worth trying.
This photo from my Dopod is not so attractive but the actual thing is wonderful!
Could you tell where I was ?
I look so tired - I nearly felt asleep then.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
What have I been doing the past month?
I thought I can have a nice holiday that is long enough to relax and do nothing but it's only a dream.
As many of you know that besides Radio I am at Wedding line as well. I thought I can make good use of Nov to go on a trip to visit my mom in the states and settle some issues for Milan Wedding so after I come back I can have more time for you and produce good shows for you.
Now you can see what i have been doing... I spent one month to look for a place to move then packing and unpacking. This is when I fix my wardrobe at the new place - you know where i bought it leh, hur...
It's good to be back. See, got family meeting right away and because your support, we have this good meal during the meeting - the rest of the girls are very shy when they eat :0)
Hope you will tune in to our station everyday coz we are going to give you cash. Yes, hard cold cash from us to thank you for your support - we are now rated 2nd highest chinese radio station in Singapore - Thank You! Gan xia!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
千层纸(玉蝴蝶) 25个
乌梅 6个
太子参 1茶匙
甘草 4片
水` 1公升
全部放进锅里煮, 先用大火煮5分钟,然后转小火煮20分钟. 就可以喝了!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
蔡秋风 --- 加入 Biz Trends 这个家
Today is a special day for my Artist management company (Biz Trends) because our family is getting bigger - we have one more family member -
Cai Qiu Feng.
If you are Taiwanese song lover , you will defiantly know who she is. She just released a new album and the song i strongly recommend is " 女人啊女人".
记者招待会的现场。老板大刀阔斧的在Swissotel 69楼招待来自新马的记者朋友们,还准备了好多的下午茶点。结果;大部分都让我带走了! 吃不完不带走,肯定要被丢掉;所以包了四大盒回去和米兰婚纱的同事分享!
The press conference was held at 69F of Swissotel - Equinox. Boss always uses this venue to host important events. High tea was prepared for the Friends/reporters from Singapore and Malaysia. I think we prepared the High Tea for 30 people at least, I end up ate alot plus doggie bags - 4 of them. If I dont bring it home, all the remaindings will go to waste bin so I brought back to Milan (wedding studio) to share.
左边的这位就是我们经纪公司的老板 Keith,他平常不爱拍照,这次终于让我逮着了机会!On the left is the boss of Biz Trends - Keith. He normally turn his face away when we tried to take photo of him but today... he is very cooperative :-p
这是我今天的打扮,好久没看见我穿裙子了吧!最近我的死党说我缺少了以前的女人味!为了她的这句话,我已经穿了一个礼拜的裙子 :)为的就是证明“我还是很有女人味的!” 其实“女人味”不只是体现在穿着上,言行举止,待人处事都可以感受到你是否有女人味。只是死党认为我这一两年穿的衣服都太利落了,所以希望这样的穿着还算可以吧!
This is what i wore today and i am sure you haven't seen me wore a skirt for quite some time. My best friend said to me the other day "I can't see your feminine side nowadays." For that, i have been wearing the skirts for about a week. Although it's not just about what you wear but i guess what she is trying to say is - you have been wearing something different than before and they are too harsh on you - pants/jeans all the time. Hope she is impressed with what i wore today :p
Saturday, November 10, 2007
鲁肉饭 --- 台湾一绝
我刚放假回来,不敢怠慢!马上为你 Post 来了!
绞肉 600克, 大蒜末2 大匙,红葱酥 5 大匙, 高汤900克/cc, 蛋适量
酱油1/2 杯,盐1/2 小匙,冰糖 2 大匙,胡椒粉1 小匙,米酒 2大匙, 香油 1 大匙,五香粉1/2 小匙。
1。 绞肉炒熟后,起锅备用;鸡蛋用水煮熟,去壳备用。
3。将步骤 2 倒入砂锅中,加入高汤和蛋,开大火煮滚,改小火煮40~60分钟即可。
Friday, November 9, 2007
广西 --- 桂林,阳朔之旅
阳朔那里的招牌菜是啤酒鱼。啊!忘了拍照... 吃完了 :p
吃个饱, 又到了黄昏。
Day 4 该是告别的时候了!