Saturday, May 29, 2010

翻 Fun 看 - 向云

很不好意思!向云姐拍戏那么忙,还特地请他让我翻他的包 ;-p

妈妈出门的包包总是东西很多。买东西给小孩的时候,有时还会自己先用用看,用得太顺还会舍不得给小孩,结果跟孩子抢 ;-)

时尚妈妈也玩IPhone 哦!


anne said...

Hi Xiaoying,

How's your hand, tomorrow leaving for your trip already right! Enjoy yourselves!

Hope to see more update when you come back....he...he.....

Take more photo, ok!

Happy trip and take care. And don't forget your medication if you have to bring......

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Do you have any upload or dvd of the Hokkien Hits 2009 concert and also ling xiao's past concert dvds?