Saturday, May 29, 2010

翻 Fun 看 - 向云

很不好意思!向云姐拍戏那么忙,还特地请他让我翻他的包 ;-p

妈妈出门的包包总是东西很多。买东西给小孩的时候,有时还会自己先用用看,用得太顺还会舍不得给小孩,结果跟孩子抢 ;-)

时尚妈妈也玩IPhone 哦!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


吃在972 急救站


2. 加碱 - 先以热水将碱化开, 待冷后, 放虾腌5-10分钟.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


吃在972 急救站


1.用盐洗肉, 再以小红葱头腌20~30分钟,洗干净才煮.
2. 用盐腌10分钟,再加柠檬汁腌10分钟, 洗干净,飞水之后才煮.


洗净, 刷掉外层的沙和黑的脏物.滚水煮滚后, 放一旁(室温)让它冷却, 每天换一次水直到膨胀到不能再大为止. 大约须5天.

去腥味, 以滚水加番茄, 大红葱头,姜 煮一下.

AngMo & LiuLian: 天底下没有白吃的午餐

1. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
2. No free lunch.
3. Everything comes at a price.
4. A Grand Don't Come For Free

Monday, May 10, 2010


吃在972 今日好介绍

猪杂汤 - Seragoon Garden, New Hawker behind NPP
51 Seragoon garden way.

Bread - Jalan Kuras, near Sembawang Hill 油站旁

红毛与刘莲今天说: 坐立不安
1. to feel uneasy whether sitting or standing
2. to be fidgety
3. to be on tenterhooks
4. to be restless with anxiety
5. to have ants in one's pants
6. to lie on a bed of thorns
7. to fiddle

Friday, May 7, 2010


挂羊头, 卖狗肉

1. to hang up a sheep's head and sell dogmeat;
2. to try to palm off something inferior to what it purports to be
3. Cry wine and sell vinegar
4. Kembing become anjing (马来语)
5. Wolf in sheep skin.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

吃在972 好介绍 新鲜货上市


龙须糖是华人传统的食品,可是现在年轻朋友已经不时很欣赏了。 所以商家推陈出新,变换新口味,刺激你的味蕾

炒菜怕油烟? 想给家人更健康的选择?试试 Avocado Oil 吧!起烟点是250度,油烟少,营养成分高。

Monday, May 3, 2010



炒福建虾面 Blk 925, Yishun central 1.



The only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into the tiger's den.
How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair.
Nothing venture, nothing gain.