Friday, July 3, 2009

流连忘返的假期 Part 2

美国的春夏交接, 花朵都在争艳斗丽!

上图是妈妈家看出的街道;两旁的树上开的是紫色的小花. 好浪漫!
在家的周围走走, 有了个意外惊喜;看到这小茄子.


淡水 - 喝杯下午茶, 悠闲一下!

莺歌 - 著名的陶器生产地

梦湖 - 以前没听过,居然被我的好友发现就在新家附近.



Anonymous said...

I have not see Wendy since last time I went back to Taipei in 2006,Until this time when she came to USA, It's a wonderful feeling just being with her no matter what we do. She is a very caring person and very educated . All my friends like her.

DJ Xiao Ying said...

mommy, you have not sent me the photos. pls ask Lydia pass the photos to you as well. Thanks mommy ;p

Anonymous said...

You did it a good job on the "Egg-Plant" photo. thanks to you, post the CostCo picture and all my roommates. You wish you could have eat more of the berry(s) right! But you still consider very lucky, because the berries is in seeson.

Anonymous said...

Wow! this almost like Instant message to me.I will ask her tomorrow about the pictures, just because no school tomorrow so I stay this late, My time is 1;48 a.m. in L.A., California the Sun-Shine State. You know what, the weather in L.A. has been back to 80-90o, are you glade.

Anonymous said...

like all the phos dat U hv up loaded,thk q for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Great photo updates. No wonder this blog is rated one of my top favorites, :)

DJ Xiao Ying said...

Thank you! i enjoy sharing!!! ;-P

Jane said...

莺歌 - 著名的陶器生产地

I love this place too. I went there with my husband and 2 kids in Mar 2005. I make a pen holder with my name & date on it! My master piece :) We plan to go again..! Jane