Wednesday, March 18, 2009

最爱玩得 FULL - 勿洛蓄水池 Forest Adventure

开车经过勿洛蓄水池 N 百次,从来不知道他们有这玩意儿! 你怕高吗?

建荣的最爱玩德 FULL, 带大家到新加坡个角落玩个够!星期五 6:45pm首播,星期六早上重播。

这次是应建荣之邀,到勿洛蓄水池 Forest Adventure去玩去了!

到那里的先签卖身契 - 任何意外,自行负责。再戴上识别手环。

先上课!30分钟的讲解,教你绳索几时要怎么扣。你要是分神, 待会儿要自己行动的时候,肯定错误百出。



电影看过,没亲身体验还真不知其实还是会怕的!也许是我怕高 ;p Flying Fox! 经历过后,还蛮好玩的!当天由于时间的关系,所以没法子完成所有4 关.... 可惜!哈!留点遗憾, 下次再来 ;)

除了有大人玩的, 还有特别为小朋友设计的路线。


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Xiao Ying,

There was one programme that you hosted on beauty and the chinese physician recommeded a few essential oil for messaging the breast which is especially good for our teenage girls. Can you share the names of the essential oil and where to purchase them please? Or the contact number of the relevant party please?

Thanks much.