我和粉樱到了新达城的财富之泉证见了新加坡历史性的一刻。I was at Suntec city Fountain of Wealth between 2-4pm to witness the hard work and devotion of Singaporean who is proud to represent Singapore to pass the torch at 2008 Olympics. There were 110 people from the start and when i left, there is only less than 20 left. They have to hold the torch above their head and get to rest 10mins every hour, sound easy heh but it's not as easy as what you see. 这次包括了两项有意义的活动, 其一是为自己争夺到2008中国奥运会传递圣火的机会,另一是聚集超过1000人,在同一时间手持圣火5分钟。
The event also wants to gather more than 1000 people to hold the torch at the same time for 5 mins to break Singapore record. I saw people from schools, organizations, social groups and families were there to take part of this historical event that feels good. You see all sort of people with only one agenda... break the record. Although 1000 people is all it takes but 1500 people turn out. Good job!
Besides the roving reports i have to find someone to team up with me to compete with Fenying's team to win a Camcorder from Samsung. Each person got 3 chances and I was the last person to play... man... pressure! Before my last try, we were 10 points behind which means i have to get a Strike... er... have not bowled for so many years and with my long finger nails... that is not east to do :p but i did it :) I had a strike, thank god! Pressure is off, the 2 contestants have to fight among themselves... my team member lost but he still got a MP3 player. 我们972还和到场的朋友比赛保龄球,看谁可以赢取一台Samsung的录影机。一人陪一位参赛者,每个人有3次的机会,我是最后一名选手。在我最后一次投球之前,我队还输10分... 真是压力啊!换句话说,我必须击出一个全倒!!好多年没有打保龄球了!再加上长长的指甲.... 结果;我不负众望,击出全倒! 压力解除!最后让参赛者自己以较高低!我的输了,可是他还是有一份好礼,MP3 player.
We also tried the basketballs n you know.... basketball is my weakest sport :p Do you think it get in the basket??? 篮球是我最落的体育运动,你猜我有没有投进???
During the roving report we interviewed him - now you know why he didn't say much... save the energy :p 这位仁兄很好心,这么辛苦还接受我们的访问,难怪他话不多!
This road show is probably the sportiest one i have ever been and i had so much fun. Hope you were there.
During the roving report we interviewed him - now you know why he didn't say much... save the energy :p 这位仁兄很好心,这么辛苦还接受我们的访问,难怪他话不多!
This road show is probably the sportiest one i have ever been and i had so much fun. Hope you were there.